
BITSAANA Newsletter V1N2

December 7th, 2019|0 Comments

We are delighted to bring to you BIT Sindri Alumni Association of North

BITSAANA News Letter V1N1

September 17th, 2018|0 Comments

We are delighted to bring to you BIT Sindri Alumni Association of North

Public Toilet Project Update

Project update received from Dr Neil Pundit:_x000D_  _x000D_ Under our Second Phase, Public_Toilet_15 has been completed, 3 photos attached. This

GradUS: A Unique Service Company

GradUS:   A  Unique Service  CompanyGradUS is a NY-based company founded by Dr. Sharma, who recently retired after a long academic

Why Join?

By Neil Pundit, pundit@ieee.orgQ. Why should the overseas alumni unite, form an organization (called Chapter), and join the worldwide alumni


Public Toilet UPDATENeil Pundit, PhD, (1961 TC)President, North America ChapterBIT Sindri Alumni Association08 June 2016Dr Krishna Pal Singh (1967 ME)

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