BOD and ADVBD meeting started on Feb 24th at 9:30pm
Attendees: Naresh Sahu. Neil Pundit. Anil Singh. Divy Raj. Mohammed Zaman. Yogi Chadda. Arunima Thakur. Raj Dubey. Bharat Sahay
1. January Meeting Minutes approved by the board.
2. Need for having an International Alumni Association (umbrella) was revisited for united voice for uplifting Alma mater. Director Dey is in favor of having an International body of the Alumni Association. With the same attorney’s (as the one for BITSAA of NA) help. it will be easier to form the International body based in DE. Discussed the option of Mother Chapter vs a new International chapter. Mother Chapter is also in agreement of having an International body.
3. Three Regional Alumni Meetings took place in February:
a. Florida – 9 Alumni joined the meeting including Uday Sinha with his wife
b. Houston – Everybody was excited and expressed lots of interest
c. Dallas – Jagannath Giri. our senior most alumni joined the meeting. overall got very good response. this was another successful regional meeting.
Alumni meeting at local level are warmly welcomed across every part of US so far and people have expressed interest in working united towards uplifting Alma mater.
4. Holi meeting is scheduled at Rashmi Chandra (Metal ’91)’s residence in March 1st week.
5. Our ex President Ranjit Sinha has expressed an interest of starting a memorial fund in the memory of her daughter to be used for educational activities and publish it on our website post BOD approval. He would like to start the fund with a donation of $5000 and open this for all the alumni to add. He would further like to add a matching dollar to dollar contribution.
6. Toilet Renovation – No PWD approval is needed. it should be as simple as getting an estimate. fund for the same and get the renovation done. Project will start with Metallurgical building girls toilet; Anil Singh has already made a donation of $200 for the purpose. Later it will be extended to other department building toilets – both girls and boys.
7. Kumar Arun wants to initiate a letter writing project to govt regarding maintenance of department building. lack of facility in building etc.
8. Wi-fi connectivity – Few years back. there was a contract of wi-fi service (funded by some rich alumni). Wi-fi connectivity was available in all the hostels. and departments; however after the end of the contract of 5 years. this service ended. Now wi-fi is available only in library. An initiative to make this service available all over again throughout the campus started couple of years back. A proposal was submitted with a budget of over a million USD to Jharkhand govt. but never got approved.
9. Web site – Needs some brainstorming on how this can be made more user-friendly.
10. Next Board meeting is scheduled for 31st March.
We managed our time very efficiently and adjourned at 10:50 pm eastern time.
This event has passed.