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From:Neil Dwivedi Pundit. PhD. 1961 TC
President. BITSAA of North America
1354 Plumosa Way
Weston. FL 33327
H: 505-821-3295
Dear Friends.
We started our telecon meeting on April 29 at 9:30 pm ET.
Present: Neil. Arunima. Yogi. Raj. Anil. Divy. Naresh. Alka. and Ramesh.
1. CONSENT- Minutes of March 25 Meeting were approved.
2. ACTION – APPROVAL of Distinguished Alumni with citation was obtained by email prior to the meeting. Citation can be edited by the recipient within 45 days.
3. ACTION – Process and Criteria for Distinguished Alumni were discussed by Anil as circulated earlier. and the document was approved.
4. ACTION- Fund Request for Open Air Theater at Sindri was discussed by Dr Chadda: alumni in India have already contributed. the open air theater was recently inaugurated by the Director S K Singh. Raj pledged $1.000.; Dr Chadda pledged $500 ( $250 each from him and brother Surendra). Board approved a total of $2K. the rest to come from general fund reserves.
Editorial Note: Neil pledged his own personal fund so as not to dip into the Association’s reserves.
5. APPROVAL – MEMBER TRAVEL AWARD as circulated by Ramesh was approved. 
6. PRESIDENT TRAVEL AWARD – Ramesh articulated the cause beyond the circulated sheet. a good discussion followed. Questions raised were: Association’s ability to spend the sum every year; ROI. Ramesh will circulate a revised draft for consideration at the next meeting.
7. APPROVAL – MEMBER SEEKING MATERIAL. circulated by Arunima. received much praise. was approved with proviso to update with the sense of comments.
8. DISCUSSION – Giveaways. Plaque. cups. etc. The presentation circulated needs more time for discussion. Comments should be directed to Divy who would make recommendations at the next meeting. However. it was recommended that per plaque expense be limited under $25.
9. DISCUSSION & REPORTS: Late hour. noisy line. and smaller number remaining on line necessitated tabling the item for future.
10. NEW BUSINESS – none. We adjourned around 11:15pm ET.

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