BITSAA NA Toronto Area members and their family gathered at Khazana (a restaurant by Celebrity Chef Sanjeev Kapoor). Milton. Ontario. Canada for the Annual Meeting 2017. After an hour of registration. networking and refreshment the meeting was called to order around 12:00 Noon. 15 Alumni from graduation years spreading over 1961 (Dr. Raj Dubey and Mr Mohammed Shamim) to 2016 (Simaab Amir) attended the meeting. Two Alumni members and their family came all the way from Montreal. A total of 41 people including spouse and children were in attendance. The Alumni gave self-introductions and recollected an interesting event from their campus days at BIT Sindri.Mr. Ghazanafar (Ghaz) Khan (86 Civil) Regional VP. gave an update on BITSAA achievements. while Dr. Raj Dubey (61 Civil) gave an update of BITSAA International. Ghaz engaged the audience with trivia (quiz) on BIT facts. During the lunch break Mr. Pranav Nidhi (87 Elect) and Ghaz led the entertainment with some melodious old songs. After a brief lunch break Ashutosh Dutta (89 Prod) led a discussion on “Brain Plasticity – How much; How far” based on some scientific discoveries in the field of neuro science. Dr Anand Vijay Singh led the discussion on the BIT logo. “Niyatam kuro karmatwam” the part of sloka extracted from Chapter 3. verse 8 of Bhagwat Geeta. All the Alumni and attendees felt highly engaged during the discussions.The Alumni group accepted the proposal to meet more often – with a resolve to get together once indoors in winter and once outdoors in Spring of 2018. Mr. Jawaid Samdani (80 Met) gave a vote of thanks for the active participation of all Alumni. spouses and children. All the attendees received one Badam Milk drink and a packet of Kalakand to take home. which was generously gifted by the senior Alumnus Satya Swarup Taneja (62 Civil). founder of Nanak Foods.Photos:
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