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AGENDA for March TeleconDiscussion of the following topics:
A: Organizational Matters:
1. Number of Directors – The number of Directors is currently 9.   Election is on August 15 Meeting in San Francisco at which I have to put forward a slate of candidates. You must tell me ASAP your thoughts.
Monthly telecons have been very difficult to secure a quorum. One thought is to reduce the number of Directors. but expand the list of participants by including the Organizers of the meetings.
2. RE-ELECTION: I seek your thoughts on standing for a second term. weighting your priorities for job. family. and other commitments. If you wish to continue I would like a personal letter from you listing your priorities for the second term.
3. Raised Expectation: With the LIFE MEMBER fee reduced to $600 I would like that each Director or candidate become a Life Member. and commit to attend at least one large meeting (in east coast or west coast) and 4 Regional meetings. and 80% of the Monthly telecons.
4. Dr. Pundit: Personally I am not running for the second term. as indicated earlier. However. I will serve the upcoming BIT Sindri Association International to get it started. I will make a trip to Ranchi and Sindri as soon as responsible leaders (elected and appointed) are in place. I plan to meet with the Chief Minister. Minister of Sc & Technology. the IAS Officers. Director Dey. faculty. and students. I will also plan to attend a number of chapters in India.
5. The 1965 batch will have their Golden Anniversary. We need to appoint an Ambassador. Anil Singh will please address this topic from his experience. Also. we need to revisit the Travel Grant that we started last year. We should consider this as a recurring event. and include in our plan.
B: Priorities – We need to revisit our priorities. which in turn are based on current status. and our desires for change. Our current priorities from our July NJ meetings are:
-Safety and Security of Girl Students
– Recruitment of faculty
– Wi fi in all buildings. hostels. and Alumni House
– Infrastructure Maintenance
With Kumar Arun’s report Toilets Renovation has become a priority. with Anil Singh volunteering to address the MET Dept building. There is a thread of correspondence on the subject. An estimate is expected shortly for the MET building which can be replicated.
Please consider these major topics and related matters. Feel free to share your thoughts.
These are the most important matters.

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