If you are in US or Canada, a product of BIT Sindri then ask yourself: Could you have crossed the Atlantic without the BIT education? Surely, additional education, training, self study, person perseverance, hard work, and luck — have all contributed to your professional growth and success. If your kids ask you, “Papa (or Mama), how did you leave India? What enabled you to be in US or Canada? Answer: No, beta – I went to BIT Sindri! We had a great education there that enabled.

JOIN US for Alumni Power

Here in the US and Canada, the Alumni contributions amount to a substantial part of the University budget. The Alumni “control” the direction and key appointments. They can get a University President hired or fired. In India, the contributions from alumni are now officially welcome, in Rupees or in foreign currencies.  We can make a BIG difference in uplifting our Alma Mater. Seek recommendations from Distinguished Alums for professional growth. Extend your trip to India to give a talk or two at Sindri. Meet with the faculty and students there. Distinguished Alums are being sought for guiding research.

JOIN US for Alumni Bond

The alumni and Alma Mater are like citizens in a motherland; stars in the sky; children and parents. The relationship is a birth right, inalienable, permanent, self-reinforcing, and of mutual reciprocity. The relationship endures no matter what. While we nominally expect a Membership Fee, currently US$50 annually, you remain a voting member if you pay or not. Alumni bond enables us to help alumni in need, personally, economically, and in dire circumstances. New arrivals in North America can get local help in adjusting to new environment.

JOIN US for Professional Networking

Help when relocating to new roles/ new geographies. Networking helps in finding jobs. Networking with influential alumni enriches your career and professional life.

JOIN US to make us stronger

more united, more connected in common bond, and to leverage our synergistic accomplishments to propel our Alma Mater to newer heights. Join us to lead our younger stars, help them carve a future they could not foresee without us.


We now have three large Annual Meetings- one in the east coast in July and one in the west coast in fall, and one in Canada (Toronto area) in the fall. By popular demand we are having regional local meetings in large metropolitan areas. Such recent regional meetings in 2014 and later have been in: Detroit; Chicago; Niagara Falls area of Canada drawing alumni from Toronto area; Atlanta; Seattle; Los Angeles; Houston; Dallas; Fort Lauderdale (FL); Charlotte; Boston. In addition to the large yearly Meets, we encourage more frequent local Meets.


We are actively participating in Annual Worldwide Alumni Meeting in Sindri usually held in November. In conjunction we participate in the Golden Jubilee anniversaries. We encourage visits to Sindri by any and all of our members.