Agenda:6:30 PM (PST)Happy New year
here is proposed agenda for Jan 31st board meeting:
Host/Moderator/Record-keeper: Ramesh. Anand. Alka
Approval of the Minutes of Nov. 29th board meeting
REPORTS 25 minutes
R1. Fund Transfer update to FFE (BOD input reqd) Ramesh Y 5 mins
R2: International team meeting update (Request to process DA from EU etc) Neil5 minutes
R3. Washington DC chapter meeting report Prabhat Sinha/Brij 5 minutes
R4: Financial Report Anil Singh 10 minutes
D0: Put Resolution to put the membership fund utilization effective Jan 1st 2017 5 minutes
1: 50% of the membership dues should go towards Scholarship Funds (US and Campus)
2: 40% of the membership dues should go towards expenses as approved by board
3: 5% of the membership dues should go towards the reserve funds
4: 5% of the membership dues should go towards special projects
D1: North America Alumni children education – Divy 5 minutes
D2: Our Past President put a question that for FFE why only three donors 5 minutes
If bard members believe in it then why they are not supporting it.
D2: Organization SustainingRamesh15 minutes
Start monthly auto pay of $ 5 per month for membership process
Suggestion: Start this implementation with each each board member contributing.
Source of funds: Membership and Donation
Organizational Expense (Alumni Meet self supporting etc)Reserve Funds Scholarship Alumni Children US / BIT CampusSpecial projects including Infrastructure support (at Campus)Projects out side of Campus (Toilet. India Chapters support etc)
D3: What’s high on your mind – all 10 minutes
UPDATES and new Business 10 minutes
New Business. if any
Next Meeting: Tuesday. Feb. 28th. 2017
ADJOURN hopefully by 11:00pm ETInformation:
The endowment at FFE for BIT Sindri will start with:
1: 13 Lacs (To be transferred from BIT Sindri Sweta Kumari)
2: $2500 donated by Dr. Vijay Kapoor
3: $700/year donated by Mr Ranjit Sinha (One girl Chemical Engineering)
4: $3000 donated by Ramesh Y
We have to increase this list from three donors to thirty and to 300 and more. With all of us working together we can make it.
1: Mr Ranjit Sinha: The Infrastructure % amount should be higher
At this time all the infrastructure expenses are supported by Jharkhand Government. So the suggestion is to support projects which are not in the list of government eg Special Lab equipment based on need defined by individual labs at campus.
2: Dr Neil Pundit: Currently all the alumni meet run in deficit. create program that they are self sustaining.
FYI Only Presented in last board meeting:
Let us keep on discussing the fund sources and distribution
1: 50% of the membership dues should go towards Scholarship Funds (US and Campus)
2: 25 % of the membership dues should go towards infrastructure support at campus
3: 5% of the membership dues should go towards the reserve funds
4: 5% of the membership dues should go towards special projects
5: 15% of the membership dues should go towards expenses
In addition a scholarship donation button should be added for members to donate.
With above proposal every member becomes a donor for scholarship/Campus Infrastructure/special projects etc.
Based on this and historical membership collection over last 3 years come up with budget of organization.
Your inputs are most welcome
This event has passed.