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Toronto Chapter organised their 2016 annual meet on Sunday. September 25 at Tandoori Flame in Brampton. The turn up was amazing having about fifty people including alumni their families and guests. The chapter continued the tradition of honouring the senior most alumni by the most junior and this time Dr. Raj Dubey. a 1961 pass out was honoured by Simab Amir who is a 2016 pass out. bridging a gap of 55 years. Ghaz. VP. Toronto Chapter gave a power point presentation on achievements and goals of BITSAA. Children were kept busy with drawing and other activities by volunteers and the best three were awarded. Volunteers were distributed Certificates of Appreciation by Dr. Raj Dubey and Dr. Anand Singh. Attendees enjoyed more than 150 delicacies in the buffet.Photos2016 Annual Meet2016 Annual MeetPrevious Slide 31/37 Next

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